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Home / News / General News / Invasive Alien Species Order 2019
We are incredibly disheartened that the Government have introduced the EU Regulation on ‘Invasive Alien Species’ which affects muntjac deer and grey squirrels.
This regulation now makes it illegal to release any rehabilitated grey squirrel or muntjac deer. We are working hard to have the law changed to allow us to release these rehabilitated patients under licence, but in the meantime, we will be implementing strict guidelines on taking in these animals. We have been forced into this position by the UK Government and whilst they say that they are not instructing rescues to euthanise the patients, our space and resources will be quickly depleted.
To allow us to continue to provide the best welfare for these animals, during their indefinite stay in our care, we will need the help and support of the public during this difficult and testing times.
As part of this we have created some information on when to help and when to leave well alone for both muntjac deer and grey squirrels. Before bringing us either of these animals please read through the information provided – if you are unsure please call us on 01844 292292.
We would also please urge you all to contact your local MP and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (currently, George Eustice). We believe that having many different people and organisations approaching them to highlight their views and distress will only help the cause. We have prepared a draft response, which you may find of use when contacting the relevant bodies, please click here to learn more.
By donating to Tiggywinkles, you will be helping us provide life-saving treatment and care to all species of British Wildlife.