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Due to the recent changes in the law we are no longer legally allowed to release rehabilitated grey squirrel. For more information on this please click here.
This awful ruling has of course put wildlife rehabilitators, vets and members of the public in an incredibly difficult situation – we all want to do the best we can to help wildlife in need.
To ensure we can provide those squirrels who desperately need life-saving care with the help they need we are working under strict guidelines on what we can do to help.
PLEASE NOTE: We can no longer take in any grey squirrel from outside of our area (please see the map below). If you are worried about a squirrel and are not from our area please see www.helpwildlife.co.uk for local contacts to help.
Every year lots of baby squirrels are picked up as suspected orphans. As these little squirrels will no longer be able to be released, it is far better for them to be left in the wild wherever possible, instead of being condemned to a life in captivity.
Squirrel Nests:
Before cutting down trees and carrying out gardening works in the Spring and Summer months please carefully check for the presence of nests and baby squirrels. If you suspect a nest, leave the area well alone to give the mother a chance to rear her babies safely.
If a nest or tree is accidently destroyed and the babies are exposed or on the ground, carefully pick them up in as much of their nesting material as possible (andwhilst wearing gardening gloves!) and pop them as close to the nest site as possible. Please then come away from the area and monitor from a safe distance. This will give their very dedicated mothers a chance to come back for her young. Please keep cats and other animals inside during this time. If the mother does not return, they will need help. If you are in our area, please call us on 01844 292292. If you are not local, please see www.helpwildlife.co.uk
Sub-Adult Squirrels:
Sometimes juvenile squirrels can be found alone when they are first finding their feet – they are not always scared of humans and can even sometimes approach people. They will look similar to the squirrel pictured here. At this age it is possible to support them in the wild and help them without picking them up – this is preferable to condemning them to a life in captivity.
If you have a squirrel like this in your garden or local park you can provide food and even water to help them out. A shallow dish of water and a handful of mixed (unsalted) nuts, such as pecans, and some digestive biscuits or baby rusks will be gratefully received by most youngsters. Please do not attempt to handle the young squirrels or attempt to tame them. They must remain as wild as possible. Please continue to feed and monitor them, call us if you need any help or advice to make sure you are doing the right thing – 01844 292292.
Very young babies, or any age squirrel with obvious injuries, may need help. If you are in our area please call 01844 292292 or see www.helpwildlife.co.uk if you are not local.
Squirrels are very hardy animals. If you find an adult with obvious injuries – they may need veterinary help. If it is in our area, please call us on 01844 292292 or if you have it safely contained in a box you can bring it in to us. If you are not local please see www.helpwildlife.co.uk for the nearest centre who can help.
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