24-Hour Emergency Helpline 01844 292292
Any large and powerful animal, such as fox, deer, badgers and swans should only be handled by experienced wildlife rescuers.
If you have a large animal in need please stay with the animal so the rescuer can locate it and either call us on 01844 292292 (24hr line, please wait for instructions when calling out of office hours) or, if you are not near to us, you should be able to find a local centre via the directory link here.
Once contained keep the patient somewhere quiet, dark and warm. We are open 24 hours to take in wildlife casualties, you do not need to call first and you can turn up any time.
Please note, links from this website are only provided for information and we can accept no responsibility for the sites or any of the information found on them. Linking to a site does not mean an endorsement.
It is also worth speaking to local vets to see if they are able to help wildlife, if you find a vet that would like to help but are unsure about treatment for wild animals you are very welcome to pass on our number for them to speak to our nurses about the treatment regimes we use here.
PLEASE NOTE: When you bring a wild animal in to us for treatment we ask that you sign all of their care over to us, this means that we will look after all aspects of their treatment including release. We cannot return a wild animal to you for you to care for or release.
Our postcode is HP17 8AF. Please see the map below showing the areas we cover. If you are outside of these areas you can check www.helpwildlife.co.uk for your nearest rescue centre.
We have put together some information on all the animals we take in and treat here including handling tips and how you can help them.