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When you choose to leave a bequest to charity the gift to us will always be tax free. Did you know that if you leave a gift of 10% or more of your net estate to a registered charity, any inheritance tax would be reduced from 40% to 36%. For more information please visit the UK Government IHT web page.
As a permanent memorial we remember those who kindly leave a bequest by inscribing their name on a plaque in our Remembrance Garden, for all future Visitors to see how such help has benefited wildlife.
List everything you need to include such as property, money and other assets
Decide who you wish to benefit, including Tiggywinkles if you so wish. Make a list of all names and addresses.
Choose your Executors. It is best to have two Executors in case one is not available when the time comes. Often people choose family members or their Solicitors.
Once prepared take all this information to your Solicitor who will draw up a Will for you.
If you have already made a Will and then decide to add a gift to Tiggywinkles simply ask your Solicitor to add a codicil to your existing Will.
By donating to Tiggywinkles, you will be helping us provide life-saving treatment and care to all species of British Wildlife.
Tiggywinkles have partnered with Bequeathed to offer free wills and valuable advice. Their simple and convenient service allows you to make the right will for you in the way that best suits you – online, face to face or even over the phone.
If you wish to include Tiggywinkles in your Will as a residuary beneficiary do please pass on this wording to your Solicitor:
Leaving whole or part of a Residuary Estate
“I give all (or a _% share of) the residue of my estate to Tiggywinkles, The Wildlife Hospital Foundation (Registered Charity Number 1200460) of Aston Road, Haddenham, Bucks HP17 8AF for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge”
Leaving a Gift of Money (A Pecuniary Gift)
With inflation a legacy diminishes in value, however, by including the words “index linked” after the stated amount your legacy is protected from the effects of inflation. The following wording in your Will makes this clear:
“I give absolutely a pecuniary legacy of (words) (£……..) index-linked to Tiggywinkles, The Wildlife Hospital Foundation (Registered Charity Number 1200460) of Aston Road, Haddenham, Bucks HP17 8AF for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge”
If you would like further information or advice please speak to our Legacies Officer Melanie Kingham on 01844 290494 or email her at melanie@tiggywinkles.org We will also be happy to send you our Legacy leaflet.