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Les left behind his wife Sue, son Colin, and two beloved grand-children.
The loss will be greatly felt to the world of wildlife. Les was a steadfast ambassador, achieving his goal to turn wildlife rehabilitation into a profession, to have it recognised by other professionals and to ensure wherever possible, that all casualties have the best treatment in order to return back to their natural habitat.
Over the lifetime of his work Les inspired other individuals and organisations to rise to the challenge of rehabilitating wildlife. In addition to working very long hours hands-on, he wrote books, papers and attended conferences to establish the importance and furtherance of rehabilitation. His tireless dedication has changed the way the world sees and deals with sick and injured wildlife. He has built an incredible organisation, one that will strive to continue his legacy. Amongst his many achievements were an MBE, being honoured by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons as an Honorary Associate, the title of Rolex Laureate, two bestselling books, a regular newspaper column, he was an invited member of the New York Academy of Science and was widely recognised as one of the World’s leading authorities on British wildlife.
Les’ departure is a huge loss to British Wildlife Rehabilitation, but the groundbreaking work he achieved in his lifetime is undoubtedly immeasurable.
By donating to Tiggywinkles, you will be helping us provide life-saving treatment and care to all species of British Wildlife.